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Another Success!

„ქარი აკრთობს ხეებზე ფოთლებს, წვიმა ასველებს შემოდგომის ოცნებას ყველას, ნეტავ რას ფიქრობს მეეზოვე ეზოში მარტო, ვიცოდე ნეტავ, შემოდგომის პირქუში ცა რატომ ღვრის სევდას“

The author of this lyrical work is Lizi Budaghashvili, an 8th grade student of our school. Her poem received special acclaim at a literary competition in the Italian city of Aosta. Liz, as a successful participant, was awarded a prize and a diploma.

Lizzie is only 12 years old, but the awards she receives show that her career will be successful. She participates in concerts, festivals, is the winner of international and republican piano competitions:

  • 2009 - Competition "Music Segashvili" organized by Austrian-Swiss pianists, laureate - I place;

  • 2010 - Italy, st. Kandelo, International Piano Competition "RICETO DI MUSICA", Laureate - II place;

  • 2011 - V International Competition of Georgian Musicians;

  • 2011 - Small non-competitive participant of the 4th Georgian Pianist Competition;

  • 2012 - Italy, st. Florence, International Piano Competition "MUSICA CRESHENDO" - I place;

  • 2012 - Italy, st. Bologna, International Piano Competition "CONCORSO ANDREA BALDI" - III place;


  • 2012 - Italy, st. Aosta, organized by UNIVERSUM IX "Premio litterario internazionale citta di Aosta"

  • 2012 - Italy, st. Rome, "Giuseppe Gioachino Belli XXIV International Art and Culture Competition, XXIV International Competition of Art and Culture Ciuseppe Ciochino Belli"

With the colors of poetry saturated with music, the little artist paints his own world, and with this elevated mood, sometimes a musical work is created, sometimes a poem and sometimes a painting.

Lizi Budaghashvili's poem translated into Italian also won the International Culture Competition in Rome, and the girl will leave for the award ceremony in December. Liz wants to publish a collection of poems decorated with her own drawings, she dreams of organizing a personal exhibition.

The winners of numerous competitions dedicate equal time to study, music, painting and poetry. He studies Z. In the Decade of Talents of the Paliashvili Central Music School, in the class of Professor Alexander Garber, specializing in piano, he is enrolled in the class of the Georgian composer - Mary Davitashvili, as well as in the VI grade of the Central Art Gymnasium of Georgia.

Our school is proud of Liz's success, wishes her the best and rewarded the little artist with $ 300.


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