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Travel to St. Petersburg

Within the framework of the partnership program of the Georgian-American High School, Leningrad State University and the Russian House, on June 20-29, 2018, a large group of students from our school visited the city-museum St. Petersburg with a cultural-cognitive program. For 10 days the students visited all the main historical or cultural sights of this beautiful city: the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Catherine Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, the palaces of Mikhailov and Stroganov, the Cathedral of Isaac Yev and many more. Each excursion was cognitive and impressive. The students learned a lot of new and interesting information from highly qualified specialists and became actively involved in the interaction, which in turn helped to broaden their horizons, enhance erudition and enhance language competence. In addition to the very busy cognitive activities, the program included fun activities that

It brought the students closer and more friendly and made this trip even more unforgettable for them.


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